Register for Penn SBDRC Symposium and Trainee Research Day

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Abstract presentations will be given virtually via BlueJeans.  Each applicant must supply a link.

The deadline for abstract submission is February 12th, 2021.
Abstracts should be submitted as either a Word or PDF document.
A BlueJeans link must also be submitted with each abstract, which will be used to direct viewers to each presentation.

Talks will be selected from the abstracts – please indicate below if you would like to be considered for a talk.  Awards will be given for both talks and abstract presentations.

Each primary author will be limited to one submission.

Trainee Research Day Abstract Instructions: Abstracts must be submitted by February 12 to be considered for presentation. All abstracts will be considered for virtual presentations. If you would like to be considered for an oral presentation, please check the box indicating so. Please follow these specifications for abstract content and formatting:

  1. The abstract is limited to 350 words including title, authors and affiliation. Please use single-spacing and 11 point font
  2. Each abstract must have a Title that is short, specific, and clearly identifies the nature of the study. The title must be entered with all CAPITAL letters, no bolding or italicizing.
  3. Authors and Affiliation Information: List the presenting author as the Primary author, then any additional authors and senior author last. Please list corresponding affiliation for each.
  4. The Abstract Body should include: 1) A sentence stating the purpose and / or hypothesis of the study 2) A brief description of methods 3) A summary of results with sample size and statistical results as appropriate 4) A statement of conclusions reached.

If submitting an abstract, please upload below:
(Word or PDF)

Poster Presentation