A representation of EpilepsyThe possibility of side effects or allergic reactions to seizure medications are a major concern for people with epilepsy. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania led by Dr. David J. Margolis are conducting a study to understand if there is a genetic link between the use of seizure medications and the potential to develop severe skin reactions that can cause blisters, peeling of the skin, and open sores. Through this study, it is possible we could discover a way to predict who is more likely to have a severe skin reaction and thereby prevent it from happening in others.

Contact Us

If you have taken any seizure medications, regardless of whether you have had a rash, you may be eligible for our studies. Please fill out the form below and check the drugs you have taken, and a study coordinator will contact you shortly.

Aptiom / Eslicarbazepine acetate
Banzel / Rufinamide
Briviact / Brivaracetam
Carbatrol / Carbamazepine
Depakote / Sodium valproate
Dilantin / Phenytoin
Fycompa / Perampanel
Keppra / Levetiracetam
Lamictal / Lamotrigine
Lyrica / Pregabalin
Neurontin / Gabapentin
Onfi / Clobazam
Tegretol / Carbamazepine
Topamax / Topiramate
Trileptal / Oxcarbazepine
Vimpat / Lacosamide
Zarontin / Ethosuximide
Zonegran / Zonisamide
- / Phenobarbital

More Information

Seizure medication rash

We are looking for people who have taken seizure medications for at least 6 weeks (past or current) to participate in a study. A sample of saliva will be collected so researchers can look at your DNA (also called Deoxyribonucleic Acid, which contains the genetic instructions found in our bodies that determine how we may look, behave, and react to different things like medications). The saliva sample will not be associated with any of your personal information and is only used for this study.

Seizure medication back rash

Volunteers will also be asked about their family and medical history, including information on any skin conditions and reactions to medications. There is no experimental drug or device given in this study, and we expect the time you spend on the study to be less than 1 hour. Volunteers will be compensated $100.00 for completing the study tasks.