Feeling Confident in Your Skin?

As the temperature starts to rise and layers of clothing are starting to be shed, it’s time for our annual reminder to think about our skin! This year, Penn Dermatology is offering not one, but two free programs to help everyone feel confident and comfortable in their skin.

Free Radiation Mark Removal for All Cancer Patients

There’s a new option, free for cancer patients, to help survivors feel confident after cancer treatments have ended. Patients who undergo radiation treatment often live with visible reminders tattooed on their skin showing where their treatment was focused. While some cancer patients claim their surgical scars and treatment-related tattoos as part of their personal history, even using them as a basis for a larger tattoo, other patients find them to be an unsettling reminder of a difficult time. A Penn Medicine dermatologic surgeon has just started offering free radiation mark removal for all cancer patients, to remove radiation marks and tattoos free of charge.

Joseph Sobanko, MD, assistant professor of Dermatology in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, volunteered to participate in New Beginnings: Radiation Mark Removal Program, a national philanthropic campaign coordinated by the American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery, Inc. (ASLMS), with the goal of making a unique difference in the lives of cancer patients. He’ll be providing this service at Penn’s Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, as the only location in Philadelphia participating in the ASLMS program.

Annual Skin Cancer Screening Set for May 17

If you’re noticing any weird moles or changing spots on your skin, now is a good time to schedule an appointment to see a doctor for a skin check! As part of May’s Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and just before “Don’t Fry Day” (the Friday before Memorial Day), Penn Dermatology and Penn’s Abramson Cancer Center are co-hosting their annual skin cancer screening on May 17, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. It’s free and open to the public, but reservations are a must.

The team of Penn dermatologists will be screening about 300 patients in 4 hours; it only takes a pro about 7 minutes to assess your skin. The earlier any suspicious spots are caught, the easier the treatment and better the prognosis.

If you haven’t signed up already, or know someone who may need to get their skin cancer checked, call 215-662-2737 to schedule an appointment, as space is limited and reservations are required. The screening will be held at Penn Dermatology’s Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine location at 3400 Civic Center Boulevard, 1st Floor, Suite 1-330S.

No matter what your skin concerns are, Penn dermatologists urge everyone — young and old with complexions of any shade — to remember that prevention is key. Try to remember to wear your sunscreen and always steer clear of indoor tanning beds!

reference: http://news.pennmedicine.org/blog/2014/04/feeling-confident-in-your-skin.html