Elizabeth Grice, PhD

Associate Professor

Director, Penn Skin Biology and Diseases Resources-based Core (SBDRC)

Vice Chair of Basic Science Research

Department of Dermatology

Perelman School of Medicine


Faculty Webpage

Lab Website

About the Lab:

Research in the Grice laboratory is focused on the skin microbiome and its roles in health, disease, and wound healing. Employing genomic and metagenomic approaches, Dr. Grice’s laboratory has made important contributions to the understanding of cutaneous microbial community ecology, responses to perturbation, functions in regulating inflammation and tissue repair, and competitive interactions in pathogenic infection. Members of the Grice lab have a wide range of expertise that allows collaborative, interdisciplinary research approaches including computational biology, bioinformatics, microbiology, immunology, and skin biology. Among other trainers, lab members collaborate with Drs. Phillip Scott, Margolis, Bushman, and Takeshita, to name only a few. The Grice lab is supported by multiple NIH grants, industry funding, and foundation awards.

Training Information:

Dr. Grice has trained 5 predoctoral and 4 postdoctoral students, with 6 predoctoral and 2 postdoctoral trainees currently in her lab. Her trainees have gone on to have successful careers in both academia and industry, including former postdocs who now hold faculty positions at Penn School of Veterinary Medicine and University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Current and Former T32 Trainees:


Ellen White, BS

Jordan Harris, BS

Amelia McCready-Vangi, PhD

Laurice Flowers, PhD

Michael A. Loesche, PhD

Elizabeth Gaines, MD

Casey Bartow-McKenney, PhD

Brendan Hodkinson, PhD

Ana M. Misic, PhD