Erika Holzbaur, PhD


Department of Physiology

Perelman School of Medicine


Faculty Webpage

Lab Website

About the Lab:

The Holzbaur laboratory is focused on understanding the dynamics of organelle motility along the cellular cytoskeleton, driven by the molecular motors cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin. They are also interested in understanding the dynamics of autophagy and mitophagy in neurons, including biogenesis, cargo loading, and compartment maturation.

Training Information:

Dr. Holzbaur has mentored 21 predoctoral and 20 postdoctoral scientists in her lab, including Dr. Cory Simpson, a Dermatology Research Resident who is completing his postdoctoral training in Dr. Holzbauer’s lab to study the role of autophagy in the skin and epidermal barrier function. Students and postdocs of the Holzbauer lab have gone on to careers that include tenured academic appointments at major universities, postdoctoral positions at outstanding institutions, and positions as scientific directors, managers, editors, and writers.

Current and Former T32 Trainees:


Cory L. Simpson, MD, PhD