George Cotsarelis, MD

Milton Bixler Hartzell Professor and Chair

Associate Director Penn Skin Biology and Diseases Resource-based Core

Director, University of Pennsylvania Hair and Scalp Clinic

Assistant Director, Edwin and Fannie Gray Hall Center for Human Appearance

Director, Program on Epithelial Regeneration and Stem Cells, Penn Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Department of Dermatology

Perelman School of Medicine


Faculty Webpage

About the Lab:

The Cotsarelis laboratory works on the role of hair follicle stem cells in hair growth, alopecia, wound healing and skin regeneration. Dr. Cotsarelis first localized hair follicle stem cells to the bulge region of the hair follicle and has developed multiple tools for studying these cells. He is a world-renowned expert on both clinical and basic science aspects of hair physiology and pathophysiology. As such he is an excellent role model of a physician scientist for our trainees. Research in the Cotsarelis lab is well funded by NIH and other granting agencies.

Training Information:

Trainees participate in all areas of research, gaining expertise in stem cell and regenerative biology and specific practical training in areas including molecular biology, generation and analysis of genetic mouse models, FACS analysis, and xenografting. Current and previous trainees are highly productive, and several previous trainees are now tenure-track PI’s at a range of institutions.

Current and Former T32 Trainees:


Leo Wang, MD, PhD


Allen Oak, PhD

Christian  Hopkins, PhD

Jack You, MD, PhD

Peggy S. Myung, MD, PhD

Leslie A. Castelo-Soccio, MD, PhD

Phillip D. Holler, MD. PhD

Megan J. Farrell, MD