Mark Kahn, MD


Associate Director, MD-PhD Program

Director, Center for Vascular Biology, Cardiovascular Institute

Department of Medicine

Perelman School of Medicine


Faculty Webpage

Lab Website

About the Lab:

The Kahn laboratory studies mechanism of blood and lymphatic vessel growth, with an emphasis on disease mechanism. The skin is an important site for the growth of both of these vessel types and the primary site for some vascular diseases, e.g. lymphedema, in humans. Dr. Kahn is using skin-specific genetic tools to both delete and activate angiogenic and lymphangiogenic signaling pathways in a spatially and temporally controlled manner in murine skin to better understand how these vessels are formed and maintained. His lab discovered that CCBE1 is required for lymphatic growth and function in the skin.

Training Information:

Dr. Kahn mentored Dr. David Enis, previously an Instructor in Dermatology who was funded by this T32 and was awarded a NIH K08 grant. Dr. Kahn’s lab is funded by several P01 and R01 grants.

Current and Former T32 Trainees:


David R. Enis, MD, PhD