Rick Bushman, PhD

W.M. Measey Professor and Chair

Adjunct Faculty at CHOP

Co-Director, PennCHOP Microbiome Program

Co-Director, Penn Center for Research on Coronaviruses and Other Emerging Pathogens

Department of Microbiology

Perelman School of Medicine


Faculty Webpage

Lab Website

About the Lab:

Dr. Bushman’s research focuses on host-microbe interactions in health and disease, with particular focus on 1) global studies of the human microbiome, 2) HIV pathogenesis, and 3) DNA integration/modification in human gene therapy. His lab primarily uses genomic and metagenomic approaches to understand microbiome and virome contributions to disease. Dr. Bushman has collaborated with Dr. Grice and co-mentored trainees in studies to define the virome of healthy skin using metagenomic approaches.

Training Information:

Dr. Bushman is very well-funded and has a highly successfully mentoring track record and has trained more than thirty students. Many of Dr. Bushman’s former trainees now run their own academic research laboratories; others work in big pharma, biotech, technical writing, and one became an astronaut. Dr. Bushman can provide training in the areas of genomic and metagenomic sequencing and analysis, bioinformatics, and host-microbe interactions.