De’Broski Herbert, PhD

Professor of Pathobiology

Presidential Professor of Immunology, University of Pennsylvania

Department of Pathobiology

School of Veterinary Medicine


Faculty Webpage

Lab Website

About the Lab:

The long-term goal of the Herbert laboratory is to explore the regulatory networks that control immunity, inflammation and tissue repair at the mucosal interface. Since 1995, Dr. Herbert has made multiple scientific contributions to the fields of mucosal immunology and inflammation and host defense in the context of allergy and parasitic infection. He has authored 52 manuscripts reporting work done in both human and mouse systems published in journals that include: Science, Nature Medicine, Nature Communications, Immunity, JEM, PNAS, PLoS, and the Journal of Immunology. Through studying hookworms, Dr. Herbert’s lab and its collaborative partners have discovered multiple novel mechanisms operating at the mucosal interface.

Training Information:

Dr. Herbert has mentored many trainees, including Juan Inclan Rico, PhD, a current Penn Skin Biology and Diseases Resource-based Center (SBDRC) P&F minigrant recipient. Former lab members have successfully pursued a variety of research endeavors, and have then continued on to a wide array of careers in science. Several prior trainees are pursuing PhDs, others are in medicine, working in laboratories, and one has been appointed assistant professor.