Elizabeth White, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department of Otorhinolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery

Perelman School of Medicine


Faculty Webpage

Lab Website

About the Lab:

Dr. White’s research centers on host-virus interactions. A class of Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) consist of hundreds of diverse strains that infect squamous epithelial cells, including skin. HPVs interact with and alter the host cellular environment, resulting in pathologies including warts and and in some cases can cause cancer. The White lab works to understand the mechanisms behind oncogenic and non-oncogenic virus-host interactions and simultaneously use viruses as tools to investigate cell biology.

Training Information:

Dr. White is committed to pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training, and since her recruitment to Penn in 2017 two pre-doctoral fellows have completed or will soon complete their PhD research in her lab. She has trained two post-doctoral fellows, and has also hosted eight additional rotation and pre-dissertation PhD students and six undergraduates and postbaccalaureate students in the lab. Twelve of the 22 current or former mentees belong to groups underrepresented in science.