DeAnna Diaz, DO

DeAnna Diaz, DO

2022 ECuRE recipient
  • Affiliation: Medical Student PCOM/ Research fellow University of Pennsylvania
  • Mentor: Dr. Victoria Werth
  • Project Topic: To continue to significantly advance our mechanistic understanding of itch and activity in dermatomyositis (DM) by analyzing EVs and their implication in DM. We would like to further characterize EVs using multiplexed flow cytometry in DM


“I joined the Werth lab in Summer 2020 in between my third and fourth year of medical school and begun researching the immunologic mechanisms driving disease in dermatomyositis. The ECuRE fellowship in 2022 allowed me to continue my longitudinal research interest in autoimmune skin diseases, in particular, dermatomyositis during my fourth year of medical school. I’m interested in immunology and dermatopathology. I’m particularly interested in the skin’s interaction with the immune system in autoimmune connective tissue diseases.

The ECuRE program allowed me to have a full-time experience and continue my research interest during medical school. It also provided me with an extraordinary mentor, Dr. Werth. Working closely with MD/PhDs, PhDs, other researchers and students creating a rich learning experience. I was able to participate in formal training by the flow core and the extracellular vesicle core at Penn and learn new techniques.  Attending seminars through the ECuRE program exposed me to topics in the field, such as biosketch editing, grant/ manuscript writing and methods of study beyond those discussed at my own lab meetings.

This experience allowed me to integrate my love for science, dermatology and immunology.  Through research skills, such as flow cytometry, I examined cellular intricacies in diseases.  I also acquired skills in lab techniques and data analysis that will serve me in the future career I hope to have as a future dermatopathologist. During this year, I learned incorporating both my clinical and bench research experience from seeing the presenting symptoms of the patients at the clinic to processing the biopsy or blood to further analyze the skin disease to the cellular level. This experience resulted in many conference presentations and publications.

I had such an amazing experience participating in basic science research through the ECuRE program that it reinforced my dedication to research. It has been invaluable to hone my research interests and investigative skills which will serve as my foundation to a career in research.”

In Spring 2023 DeAna graduated from medical school.  Dr. Diaz matched into Pathology at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical school. There she is continuing her training towards a career in dermatopathology.