Congratulations to Dr. Susan C. Taylor on her Appointment as President of the American Academy of Dermatology

Susan C. Taylor, MD, FAAD

Professor of Dermatology

President-Elect American Academy of Dermatology

We are proud to recognize the American Academy of Dermatology’s (AAD) selection of Susan C. Taylor, MD, FAAD, as the new President of the organization. Her term as President-Elect begins in March, 2024 while her term as President commences in March 2025. Dr. Taylor is world-renowned for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare, especially within the discipline of Dermatology. Her leadership is crucial given the growing need for a more diverse and inclusive workforce to care for an increasingly diverse patient population.

Dr. Taylor has a history of success: she graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Medical School, completed her dermatology residency at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and is board-certified in both internal medicine and dermatology. As a member of our Department, Dr. Taylor created and spearheads numerous initiatives to lead to a more equitable environment for patients and providers alike. She founded the Skin of Color Center at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital in New York City and the Skin of Color Society, the leading national organization that promotes awareness and excellence in skin of color dermatology.

Dr. Taylor’s contributions to our Department have been invaluable. She held the Sandra J. Lazarus Professorship of Dermatology from 2020 until 2021, which marked the first time an endowed professorship was awarded to a woman of color in the Department. She currently is the Bernett L. Johnson, Jr., MD, Professor and serves as the Vice Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Penn Dermatology.

Her dedication to enhance the quality of care for patients of color and promote mentorship is outstanding. She actively involves herself in several programs, both locally and nationally, focused on introducing dermatology to young students, including the PASH (Penn Academy for Skin Health) Program, the Health Sciences Educational Pipeline Program, and our Diversity and Community Engagement residency track program. Dr. Taylor chaired several AAD committees, served as the AAD Vice President, and published numerous articles on skin conditions in people of color. She designed an educational curriculum consisting of seventy 20-minute training sessions for treating skin of color, demonstrating her passion for inclusivity.

As President of the AAD, Dr. Taylor aims to improve the unity of the dermatology specialty by hosting frequent forums to share differences and goals of dermatologists; eliminate external threats to their practices, expand advocacy efforts by engaging patients worldwide; and broaden the scope of dermatology practices. Her leadership and expertise will undoubtedly advance the field of dermatology and continue to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare.