Residency Track Application

For a full description of the Dermatology Residency program, read our brochure.

Dermatology residency training at Penn can take place through one of several tracks, including:

  • Dermatology residency training (3 years)
  • Combined Internal Medicine and Dermatology residency training (5 years)
  • Research residency track (3 years; 3rd year is ¼ clinical, ¾ research; +1 year as an instructor)
  • Cutaneous Oncology and Dermatology training (4 years)
  • Health Care Quality and Leadership residency track (3 years)
  • Global Health residency track (3 years)
  • Diversity and Community Track (Dermatology Diversity and Community Engagement Residency Position) (3 years)
  • Pediatric Dermatology (1 year preliminary year at CHOP, 3 years Dermatology)

To apply Visit ERAS.

Application Requirements

  • An application to the Dermatology Residency training program
  • USMLE transcript
  • Sub Internship and Step 2 scores are recommended
  • A Dean’s letter
  • A transcript
  • A photograph
  • Completed ERAS application and your current CV. Use the ERAS code(s) for the Dermatology Residency program(s) to designate your interest(s). There NRMP program codes are below:
    • Dermatology (1628080A0) – 3 yr
    • Cutaneous Oncology (1628080A1) – 4 yr
    • Research Track (1628080A4) – 4 yr (2+2)
    • Diversity & Community Engagement (1628080A5) – 3 yr
    • Pediatric Dermatology (1628080A6) – 4 yr (1 yr CHOP Prelim year, 3 yr Dermatology)
  • Applicants to the Pediatric Dermatology program are encouraged to have a letter in Pediatrics
  • A personal statement; it is recommended that the personal statement discuss the candidates interest in Dermatology.
  • Applicants applying to the Diversity & Community Engagement track should include their interest for that track as well (generally with a 250-word separate paragraph).
  • Applicants invited for interviews will accomplish their dermatology and any other applicable track interviews on the same day. Interview selection letters usually are mailed the first week of December.

Important Program Information

We request that applicants also complete the 2025 Match Supplemental Questionnaire for all applicants applying through ERAS. This allows us to assess each applicant’s specific areas of interest to ensure their application is reviewed by the appropriate faculty in those specific areas. Should the applicant be invited, this information is also used to help craft the best possible interview day experience, with exposure to faculty experts in the area of expressed interest. That departmental questionnaire is Penn specific, and is different and separate from the Supplemental ERAS application. For the 2025 ERAS cycle, our program will be participating in the optional Supplemental ERAS application offered through the AAMC’s ERAS program. Applicants will be required to complete the MyERAS application, and participation in the Supplemental ERAS application is optional.

Important Program Dates

Important Dates (for program starting July 2026)

  • Application Deadline: Prior to 11:59 PM on Wednesday, September 25, 2024
  • Dean’s Letter Deadline: 9:00 AM on Wednesday, September 25, 2024
  • Interview Invitations Issued (except Penn Students): By Monday, December 2, 2024

Interview Dates:

  • January 9, 2025 (Peds and Medicine/Dermatology)
  • January 16, 2025 (Cutaneous Oncology and Research)
  • January 21, 2025 (Research)

*Combined Internal Medicine and Dermatology training program starts July 2025

*Pediatric Dermatology training program starts July 2025 (CHOP Prelim), Dermatology July 2026

(Note: The Research residency track interviews will occur on January 16 and 21, 2025. Invited applicants for this program will give a research talk in the afternoon.)

All complete applications received by the application deadline date are personally reviewed by at least two Penn dermatology faculty. Penn dermatology does not screen ERAS applications based on USMLE scores, AOA status, geography, or other criteria. Penn Dermatology values your life experiences and the path that you have taken to get where you are. We welcome you to include those experiences in your personal statement.

Please Note: Completing a rotation, clinical or research project, or other academic pursuit at Penn Dermatology, while providing an excellent educational experience and exposing the student to the department and faculty, does not in any way guarantee that an interview will be offered to the rotator should they apply for a Dermatology Residency training position at Penn. We read and review all complete applications that we receive by the application deadline date and, due to the number of excellent applicants, cannot interview everyone. Even exceptionally qualified candidates may not receive an interview.

Some information provided by ERAS and FREIDA may be outdated or incorrect, for discrepancies between this site and the aforementioned sites, please use the information found here. If you have additional inquiries, contact the Residency Program Coordinator below.

Program Director

Misha Rosenbach, MD
2 Maloney Building, HUP
3600 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Residency Program Coordinator

Barbara Lang
Phone: 215-662-7883
Fax: 215-662-7884