Nail Disorder Care
Few dermatologists in the country specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of nail disorders. Even fewer physicians in the world specialize in nail pathology. That’s why it’s important for patients to receive care for nail disorders from dermatologists who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of nail disorders.
Patients who come to Penn Dermatology in Philadelphia receive expert care from specialists who specialize in nail disorders.
Expert Nail Disorder Care at Penn
Penn Dermatology is known nationally and internationally for having dermatologists, dermatopathologists, and dermatologic surgeons with the foremost expertise and state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment methods for patients seeking help for nail disorders.
Penn Dermatology is the only dermatology department in the region that provides an adult nail specialty clinic and is home to the only pediatric nail clinic in the United States.
Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Assessment
Penn Dermatology physicians have extensive experience and advanced knowledge of nail pathology, including the most advanced methods of nail specimen processing. Physicians at Penn Dermatology collaborate as a team to provide the best patient care possible for patients with nail disorders.
Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services frequently receives previously prepared nail specimens from outside institutions from all parts of the country for expert review and second opinion.
The nail experts at Penn Dermatology focus on both common nail disorders as well as those that are complex and difficult to diagnose or treat. Penn dermatologists have experience in treating children and adults, and their experience extends to inflammatory and infectious nail disorders as well as the diagnosis and management of benign and malignant nail tumors.