Distilled water shutdown – impact on Core A

As indicated in an email sent on Jan 18, the distilled water system in all of BRB has been shut down and there is no specific time frame for getting it up and running again.  There is currently only 1 location in BRB where distilled water is available, and that is BRB 1332.  

The Core A lab requires large amounts of distilled water (both regular and nuclease-free) on a daily basis.   Having to transport and use distilled water from carboys is disruptive to several key aspects of our workflow.  We are doing our best to keep to our standard turnaround time of 10 workdays, as well as insuring that quality remains the same.  We will provide updates as we receive them.  If you have questions about how this may affect your projects, please contact  Steve Prouty   BRB 1075,  215-898-6957,   proutysm@mail.med.upenn.edu