location of laser capture microdissection system is moving – Tues Nov 22


Tomorrow, Tuesday Nov 22, beginning at ~ 10 AM, Dermatology’s laser capture microdissection system will be moved from 5th floor of BRB to the 10th floor of BRB, room 1073.  It will be ready for use on Wed Nov 23.
If your experiments require bench space (such as staining/LCM of cryosections for RNA):
  • researchers with labs on the 10th floor of BRB can use their own bench space and bring the slides to the scope room.
  • researchers not located on 10th floor of BRB should indicate “need bench space” when making the reservation for the LCM system on the google calendar “LCM Dermatology.”  (Note that access to this calendar is only granted after training on the system has been completed).
If you have any questions, please contact me.

Stephen M. Prouty, Ph.D.
Sr. Research Investigator
Department of Dermatology
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
421 Curie Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6160

tel: 215-898-6957
email: proutysm@mail.med.upenn.edu